Monday, September 05, 2005

Being busy & POSIE

Well, as with many other PND-ers, I've been piling the pressure onto myself and doing far too much with far too little time. Taking Zoloft has been a bit of a god-send, though I know all my problems will not be solved by taking a tiny tablet. At the very least, however, Zoloft gives me the ability to be outside the depression long enough to help resolve some of my grief and sadness. I think watching my children having a childhood reminds me that the power to retain my childhood was removed in many ways by my parent's divorce. For 3/4 of my life I have experienced prolonged sadness at some time during each year. And yet, I see myself as a fairly optomistic and positive person. Perhaps that is the learned behaviour - forcing my mind to see the positive.

So my plan of attack is to continue Zoloft and seek counselling/therapy. And in the midst of all this, keep busy with POSIE! Planning, organising and administering POSIE takes up quite a bit of time. Enjoyable time: time with brain engaged and used. So time well spent.


HIV and Us said...
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HIV and Us said...

Like you when I had PNI/PND there was little support - back then there was not even an internet and blogs were just in someones imagination - the internet then came along I started a usnet newsgroip my own web site and forum just as you have started your own blog - keep it up it will help many more than you will even know. It has taken me nearly 10 years to appreiciate how much telling your story help you and helps other - countless others -