Saturday, January 08, 2005

posi: peri-natal outreach, support & information

Well, its begun... I've met with the local member and she's keen to see POSI start up. I've been working on it pretty solidly, but now I need volunteers. And a second-in-command. I so hope this works! I really want to see it spread wings and fly! Estimating startup costs at the moment and need to figure out how much it will cost to start a resource library. Costs are to be kept as minimal as possible and the group is not-for-profit. Lots of work ahead, and Toby objects most of the time to being cramped up behind a desk and keyboard.

Doctor's visit at the hospital showed Toby is rather large, or my fundal-height is rather large. But what do they expect! Third baby and all. Bought him a cute little Pumpkin Patch outfit and his first hat the other day. All my kids get trained to hats early and its paid off, so Toby gets to continue the tradition.

Keeping my mind occupied with POSI is helping allay any depression, but it tends to mean my thoughts race at inappropriate times of night. Got to figure out some other relaxation techniques I can do in the dark. Other than that, everything seems okay except for a couple of panic attacks, one at night a month or more ago, the other at the shops this week. Will keep a watch on them.

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