Sunday, March 14, 2004

Week ending March 14

Darren home today, but we're all sick. Ryan's first day at pre-school.
Day-rating: 3

Darren home again and still sick. With the kids as well, we're all not doing so good.
Day-rating: 2

Not too bad a day. PND group was okay -- I was drugged up on cold-n-flu stuff so my head was foggy. We did a family tree to give us a starting point for looking at patterns in our behaviour/beliefs. Also had mother's group.
Day-rating: 3

My birthday. At least Darren remembered a card from him, even if he didn't do one from the kids. Felt kinda down. But only because I didn't manage to do a cake or anything special.
Day-rating: 3

Playgroup was good and had a big talk with playgroup leader about Ryan and ADD & ADHD and I think I'll move him to another pre-school if he gets offered a place next year. Kindy is okay, but I'm not sure the level of stimulation will be there...
Day-rating: 3

Darren worked. Nanna came over and we went out when Darren got home and she bought me some scrapbooking and card-making stuff. Day was okay, but the kids drove me a little bit nuts.
Day-rating: 3

Sorted through photos and put them in the scrapbooking folder I bought so I can start doing something with them next week. Looking forward to it! :)
Day-rating: 3

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